Paul Cooney is a passionate Amnesty activist who has written a letter to Cihan Acar, a journalist imprisoned in Turkey. Cihan is a young and successful journalist who was imprisoned by the Turkish government, following July 2016’s coup attempt.
Write for Rights: Sometimes all it takes is a letter to change a person’s life. That’s the premise of Write for Rights, Amnesty’s global letter-writing campaign. Write for Rights was first launched in 2003, and today, it’s one of the world’s biggest human rights events.
Every December, Amnesty supporters across the globe will write millions of letters for those whose basic human rights are being attacked. They are people like you, continuing a long tradition of writing letters to right some of the world’s biggest wrongs. And it’s not just letters – it could be petitions, emails, Tweets, Facebook posts, photos or postcards… Your words really can change lives.