Paul Cooney is a passionate Amnesty activist who has written a letter to Cihan Acar, a journalist imprisoned in Turkey. Cihan is a young and successful journalist who was imprisoned by the Turkish government, following July 2016’s coup attempt. Write for Rights: Sometimes all it takes is a letter to change a person’s life. That’s […]
Amnesty Kirklees PUB QUIZ!
AMNESTY KIRKLEES PUB QUIZ – Tuesday, November 20th from 7pm at: “The Corner” 5 Market Walk, Huddersfield, HD1 2QA FURTHER DETAILS We are very much hoping to see you and some friends and/or relatives at “the Corner” on Nov 20th. The upstairs bar where we are holding the event will be open from 7pm onwards, […]
An Artistic Take on the Human Rights Issues in Turkey
Following our own work on the current issues surrounding human rights in Turkey, and in particular, our Silenced Voices exhibition, we were contacted by a friend all the way from Essex, who wished to join us in our efforts to raise awareness. Gervase Vernon emailed us the following message and images:
Towards Freedom – A Poem
Below is a poem that was originally sold at the Amnesty bookshop in London. It was composed to mark a number of decades of writing for human rights. We thought it would be a really positive contribution to our site, and a great first post for our blog. We hope you enjoy the poem as much […]